VIB Training/Imaging@VIB VIII: Single Molecule Approaches in Imaging, 23 January, 2018 (Ghent)


Imaging life has finally reached the molecular level. The awarding of the 2017 Nobel prize in chemistry to single molecule imaging is a sign of the importance of novel microscopy techniques which give us new insights not available from molecular biology or biochemistry. This training event – that is incorporating a special edition of the Imaging at VIB symposia – will showcase pioneering work in molecular imaging from both VIB PI’s as well as renowned international scientists. Spanning imaging techniques from fluorescence correlation spectroscopy through crystallography, cryo-tomography, single particle cryo-EM to the bioinformatics of determining protein structure, this event will introduce you to the cutting edge of molecular bio imaging and show you how it can enhance your own research.

Target audience
This training targets scientists who want to keep up-to-date with the latest evolutions in the field of molecular imaging. The training is aimed at PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, technicians or other scientists with a molecular biology background.

23 January, 2018

FSVM Research Building – Shell Auditorium
Technologiepark 927, Ghent

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