Widefield Microscopes – Ghent

Olympus BX51 Discussion Microscope

Name: Olympus BX51 Microscope
Application: Imaging tissue sections stained by means of non-fluorescent histochemical, cytochemical or immunohistochemical methods
Type: Upright widefield brightfield
Light Source: Halogen lamp (12 V 100 W)
Objectives: Plan N 2x/0.06
Plan 4x/0.10
Plan 10x/0.25
Plan 20x/0.4
Plan 40x/0.65
Plan 60x/0.8
Plan 100x/1.25 Oil
Detectors: AxioCam ICc
Filters: None
Room Location: W271

Zeiss AxioSkop2

Name: Zeiss AxioSkop2
Application: Imaging of cells and tissue sections stained by means of non-fluorescent histochemical, cytochemical or immunohistochemical methods with phase contrast
Type: Upright widefield brightfield
Light Source: Halogen lamp (12 V 100 W)
Objectives: A-Plan 2.5x/0.06
Plan-Neofluar Ph 1 10x/0.3
EC Plan- Neofluar 20x/0.5
AcroPlan Ph 2 40x/0.65
Plan-Neofluar Ph 3 100x/1.25 Oil
Detectors: Leica DFC320
Filters: None
Room Location: W271


Olympus IMT-2 Inverted Fluorescence Microscope

Name: Olympus IMT-2 Microscope (FransFluo)
Application: Fluorescence imaging of tissue and cells with phase contrast
Type: Inverted  widefield brightfield
Light Source: Transmitted light
HXP 120C
Objectives: SPlan 10 PL/0.30
DPlanApo 10 UV/0.4
ULWD CDPlan 20 PL/0.40
LWD CDPlan 40 PL/0.60
Detectors: AxioCam MRm
Filters: Blue, Green, Red
Room Location: W271

Olympus BX61 Widefield Fluorescence Microscope

Name: Olympus BX61 Fluorescence Widefield Microscope (CellM)
Application: Fluorescence imaging of tissue and cells with DIC
Type: Upright widefield fluorescence
Light Source: Transmitted light
HBO Mercury Short Arc Lamp
Objectives: UPlanFL N 4x/0.13
UPlanFL N 10x/0.30
UPlanFL N 20x/0.50
UPlanFL N 40x/0.75
PlanApo N 60x/1.42 Oil
UPlanFL N 100x/1.30 Oil
Detectors: Olympus XM10
Filters: DAPI (U-MWU2, ex. 380 em. 440)
EGPF (U-MNIBA2, 488-510)
TRITC (U-MWIG2, 541-572)
Cy5 (U-MWIY2, 650-677)
Room Location: W278


Zeiss AxioScan

Name: Zeiss AxioScan Z.1
Application: Automatic slide scanning for brightfield and fluorescence samples
Type: Widefield fluorescence and brightfield
Light Source: HXP
Transmitted light
Objectives: Fluar 5x/0.25
Plan-Apochromat 10x/0.45
Plan-Apochromat 20x/0.8
Plan-Apochromat 40x/0.95 Korr
N- Apochromat 20x/0.45 Pol
Detectors: Hitachi HV-F202SCL
Hamamatsu Orca Flash
Filters: DAPI (BP 445/50)
CFP (BP 480/40)
HE GFP (BP 525/50)
YFP (BP 535/30)
HE DsRed (BP 605/70)
HE mPlum (BP 647/70)
Cy5 (BP 690/50)
Room Location: W278



Leica Widefield Fluorescence Microscope

Name: Leica Widefield Fluorescence Microscope
Application: Imaging fluorescently-stained fixed cells and tissue sections
Type: Inverted widefield
Light Source: HBO Mercury Short Acr Lamp
Objectives: HC PL Apo CS 10x/0.4
HC PL Apo 20x/0.7 Imm (water, oil, glycerin)
HCX PL Apo 63x/1.40 Oil
Detectors: AxioCam ICc 1
Filters: DAPI
Room Location: W278

Request for project intake

For intakes of all LM projects, please contact Eef.Parthoens@irc.vib-ugent.be


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